Monday, February 18, 2008


When asked to interview a professional about either being the paparazzi or being effected by the paparazzi, no one came to mind. However, since my interests are in the feild of public relations, and publicity from photographs are a big part of PR, I decided to talk to a Public Relations professional about positive and negative effects of the paparazzi on celebrities and how it effects the public's view of both parties.

Denise, a professional in the Public Relations feild, was gracious enough to grant me this Q&A

Q: Do the paparazzi play a big role in celebrities fame? How?

A: The saying all publicity is good publicity is true in this case. The more a celebrity's picture is wanted, the more a publication will pay. If you are in the public eye, and wish to stay there, in general a person must preform dramatic, attention grabbing, charitable, or even borderline crazy actions. Take Britney Spears for example, her actions are the only thing keeping her in the public eye.

Q: In todays society where lines are crossed every day, do you think the paparazzi take it to far at times?

A: When privacy is stripped from a person, that seems to cross a line. Being unable to walk your dog, or take out the trash without looking over your shoulder seems un necessary. However people enjoy knowing that celebrities are human. The only line a paparazzi crosses at times is the legal line, where they have tresspassed onto private property or attained a picture that was not taken from plain sight in a public venue.

Q: As a PR professional, do you find paparazzi to be a hassle or a help?

A: In general, paparazzi pictures focus on mug shots, underage drinking, or the all too famous cellulite shots. These pictures will not destroy a career but is ultimately embarrassing for the celebrity. Whether I think it helps? It depends on the severity or the picture.

Thank you Denise for you professional point of view.

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